
million turnover

Marée Côte d’Opale is a company located in Boulogne-sur-Mer. Boulogne-sur-Mer is the biggest fishing port, located on the busiest international maritime traffic strait in the world, and has a huge European platform preparing, processing and selling seafood products.
Marée Côte d’Opale offers a multitude of diverse products, including salt-cured and smoked products, and delivers quality and flavour.
For decades, freshly landed fish have been smoked and salt-cured to preserve them while ensuring they remain enjoyable to eat. If too much salt or smoke is used, a fish species’ delicate flavour can be significantly altered. Our company’s priority is to use the minimum amount of smoke while preserving the fish’s original flavour.
We offer French products with products made in Boulogne-sur-Mer.
Try our original recipes, which enhance the flavours while maintaining each product’s identity, respecting neutrality, and using traditional dressing methods.